Times of the School Day
The times of the school day can be found below.
Main School:
08:30 - Morning work starts (All Classes)
10:30-10:45 - Break (Yr1-6)
12:00 -13:00 - Lunch (All Classes)
15:25 (Mon-Thurs) - End of the day
13:25 (Fridays) - End of the day
The length of a school week is 32.5 hours.
08:30 - 11.30 Morning Session
11.30 - 12.15 Lunch (paid for session)
12:15 - 3:15 Afternoon Session
The school gate will be open between 8:30 am and 8:40 am, and children should be in class by 8:40 am. Children arriving after this time will be marked as late. All children will enter through the green gates and be welcomed by a member of staff. Reception and Preschool children should be escorted to their classrooms. If your child is late then please make sure you come in with them to sign them in. Also if they are not in by 9 am, and you have not let the school know, they will need a packed lunch as school dinners will have already been ordered.
Children will be dismissed at 15:25 (13:25 on a Friday). Phoenix and Griffin will be escorted to the green gate by a teacher, and other children should be picked up from their classrooms.
It is important that children are accompanied to and collected from school by a known adult unless you have let the school know that they can walk unaccompanied (we do not recommend this for children under the age of 10). Please help us by advising if you are unable to bring or collect your own child and have made arrangements for someone to do this on your behalf. If you need to change collection arrangements for older children, please ensure that the school is made aware.
If you are bringing your child to school by car please park on Waveney Road. Under no circumstances should parents drive onto the school premises, since this is restricted to authorised vehicles only unless agreed with the Headteacher. All Blue Badge holders, who wish to use the disabled parking space, should submit a copy of their entitlement annually before using this facility.