Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
On 1st September 2014, the Government introduced the Children and Families Act 2014 which clearly describes how children and young people with SEND and their parents should be supported. This new law has meant the biggest change in SEND for 30 years with different professionals expected to work more closely together to ensure the needs of children and young people with SEND and their parents receive the support they need.
Children, young people and their parents will also have a say in the support and services on offer in their local area. This is called the local offer and can be viewed here.
Long Mead Community Primary School is committed to ensuring these changes are made in consultation with children, parents, staff and Governors. We have already held consultations with parents who have children with SEND at Long Mead and have drafted the SEND Policy based on feedback from these meetings.
You can view the SEND Policy here. This document will be presented to the Governing Body as soon as possible for approval before a final version is made available through the website.
Karen Follows, as Long Mead SENCO, leads Special Educational Needs support at Long Mead. If you wish to discuss any aspect of SEND with her, please contact her at the school on 01732 350601 or by email at: kfollows@long-mead.kent.sch.uk.