Primary school should be a fun and exicting place where learning is brought to life through experiences that children will remember for years to come.
Therefore, even though our curriculum is broad, balanced, varied and unique ,we also plan further enrichment activities for the children both in school and out. Hands on, practical experiences add an extra dimension to the learning, inspiring and captivating our children.
​When planning enrichment activities we take into account the National Curriculum and the children's ideas through discussions with the school council and within classes. Ideas are also developed through discussions with teachers, parents and governors as to what we believe the children within this setting need in order to be secondary ready, as well as life long learners.
Please see below, a few of the many trips, visits and workshops that we have done in the past and are planning for this year:
EYFS: 2023/24
Weekly Forest School
Two hours of weekly PE sessions
Reception children visiting 'Friends' at Tonbridge Baptist Church
Road safety
Trip to Princess Christian's Farm
Threatre trip to Aladin
Taking part in The Little Mermaid show
EYFS: 2024/25
Weekly Forest School
Weekly PE sessions
Reception children visiting 'Friends' at Tonbridge Baptist Church
Road safety